What’s Next?


“Unusual travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god” — Kurt Vonnegut


I had a procedure that I would use with my student employees. I would give them a task to do, and the instructions were that when that task was finished they should find me and ask “what’s next”?

Now I am in need of asking myself that question, and I find myself grinning, as I hardly know the answer. And it matters not at all that I don’t.

I have started a list of topics to include in this section of the site. It has 11 items, with working titles like The Trip South, The Brass Ring, Driving with Joni, Salt, My Friend The Star, One Mistake, Living Past 60, The Mexican Militia, Casa Ana.

I am looking forward to working on each of them, and of course adding more. I have been discovering my new daily routine, yet I was not in a hurry to do so. I needed to get myself settled, to find the proper rythmn for my chores, and my meals, both of which are different here, and also creating new spaces for swimming, walking, sitting on the beach, spanish lessons.

Tonite as I was watching the sun sink into the sea for the 40th evening in a row (probably more times then I have done that in my entire life previously), I decided that this might be a good time to write. It is about 2 hours from when I sit down on the patio overlooking the ocean after dinner until the daylight has been completely subsumed by the night sky. That might be just right for now, as long as I  remember to look up now and then from the macbook screen. There is so much beauty to be seen right in front of me, and every sunset is different. It would be wrong to let such events go by without proper recognition any more.

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